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The person who really loves you will never leave you. Although he gave up for thousands of reasons, he always found a reason to persevere.
Love is as deep as the sea. The more I give you, the richer I will be, because both are inexhaustible.
Happiness is to love and quarrel with the person you like, to do the things you like in the place you like.
Painting around the dyke, the curtain is bitter, if the day is old, clearly aware of the pain of lovelorn, but still chose to let go.
Life is a multi-gradient, three-dimensional space-time, we can not use a unified balance to measure the value of all people.
Remember, one rainy day, you said you would hurt me very much, now, it rained again, take away all our vows.
The crowd is in a hurry, fate stops and stays. How many people can we know in our lifetime, only cherishing friendship can last forever.
God just blinked and our story began. It's over again. He stole us all.
Memories fade away. Confused dust, like smoke of the past, like the bleak autumn wind, holding the leaves of memories.
Looking at your foggy and confused eyes, is there a feeling that you are not in the same world as I am in front of you?
We always recall the past, but we do not know that our present days are the past we will miss in the future.
Happiness is a feeling, not how much you have. Don't say who is happier than who, because happiness can't be compared.